Carbon Footprint

What is Inexhaustible Energy?

Thanks to the ever-increasing population and expanding industrial areas around the world, the need for energy also increases. In order to meet this increase, most of the world’s energy needs have been obtained from fossil fuels until today.

When fossil fuels are used irregularly and excessively, they cause major problems such as air pollution and deforestation. At this point, energy resources, which come into play to protect the world and have an unlimited structure, provide the opportunity to achieve a cleaner future.

These energy sources, referred to as inexhaustible energy sources, are resources that form their existence in a natural way and have the possibility of self-renewal. As long as the natural order on Earth is not disrupted, these resources can continue to be used in a sustainable structure. Thanks to the fact that they are inexhaustible, that is, unlimited, these resources are also referred to as renewable energy resources.

What are Inexhaustible Energy Resources?

Among the inexhaustible energy sources known worldwide today, the most basic sources are renewable natural resources such as solar, biomass, hydroelectric, wind, geothermal and wave. When these resources are used and energy is obtained, environmental pollution is not encountered in the process.

If a clear definition is needed for inexhaustible energy sources, it can be said that they are energy sources that naturally renew themselves and can be used with an unlimited structure. Accordingly, for the concept of inexhaustible energy, it can be defined as the type of energy obtained thanks to unlimited energy resources that manage to be renewed in a natural way. When the type of energy obtained through these resources is used, it is also possible to achieve natural order continuity.

When fossil fuels are widely used, mainly fuels such as coal and natural gas, they continue to cause almost irreversible damage to the environment. In addition, as long as fossil fuels continue to be used, the global warming factor increases and greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change problems are also encountered.

While the problem of limitation arises with the use of fossil fuels, at the same time, the problem of pollution is encountered, and alternative energy sources become much more important due to this structure. At this point, inexhaustible energy sources provide a very special capacity as they are always unlimited and self-renewing in nature.

Inexhaustible energy sources are used to obtain clean energy with their self-renewing structures. In this context, clean energy is a type of energy that does not emit greenhouse gas emissions during energy production and does not cause pollution in the environment. When clean energy sources are used as an alternative to fossil fuels during energy production, greenhouse gas emissions can be easily reduced. In this case, it is possible to reduce the carbon footprint with energy production.

Which Resources are Inexhaustible Energy Sources?

Today, solar energy, wind energy, biomass energy, biomass energy, geothermal energy, hydroelectric energy and wave energy are among the inexhaustible energy sources that we can easily obtain at many different points around the world and in Turkey. These energy sources can be examined part by part with their structures and usage patterns.

1- Solar Energy

Solar energy is, of course, the energy obtained from the sun, as everyone knows. For this energy, the sun’s rays are collected by solar panels, which generate heat or electricity. The source of the energy is fusion reactions on the surface of the sun.

Solar energy is the most common source of inexhaustible energy and is widely preferred all over the world and in Turkey. Because this energy has the opportunity to be converted directly into electricity with the use of photovoltaic (PV) systems. These projects are generally used in many areas such as roofs of buildings, different vehicles, vacant lots and lighting. Larger panels and larger plots of land are needed for much larger scale production.

Since solar energy is practical to install, today it can be used to generate electricity even in homes. In rural areas, it can be used for independent electricity generation instead of using grid electricity. Since it is a natural resource, it should not be forgotten that it will have different efficiencies according to geographical regions. For example, it can be used more efficiently in areas that receive a lot of sunshine, even in Turkey, while it can provide a greater benefit due to its low cost.

2- Wind Energy

Wind energy, which takes advantage of the temperature, humidity, and pressure differences in the atmosphere, creates a movement by taking advantage of this difference and the different heating of the ground surfaces. While this air movement creates kinetic energy, wind turbines can convert this kinetic energy into electrical energy.

Today, wind turbines and windmills are used to generate electricity through wind energy. While wind turbines that can be used offshore or onshore have different costs, of course, offshore turbines require more cost and installation project difficulties.

In the use of wind energy, like solar energy in all countries of the world, including Turkey, geographical conditions can cause variations in terms of efficiency. For this reason, geographical areas where wind is always abundant, such as Thrace or the Aegean, should be chosen in Turkey.

3- Biomass Energy

The energy obtained from plant or animal wastes called biomass is called biomass energy or bioenergy. Since these wastes used in production are renewable, that is, wastes that always occur, they constitute an inexhaustible resource structure.

Since these wastes, which are called biomass, are organic materials, they must be burned through some processes and the heat and steam obtained as a result of this combustion process must be generated electrical energy in the power plant tribunes. Thanks to this combustion reaction, electricity generation can be achieved, as well as the advantages of heating and, for example, fuel use in facilities.

While bioenergy is generally preferred in homes and transportation, it can be produced using different sources such as liquid biofuel, solid biomass and gas. It also helps to reduce environmental pollution, especially since it provides energy production that contributes to waste management.

4- Geothermal Energy

While the earth’s crust generates geothermal energy within itself, the generation of electrical energy by utilizing this energy is called geothermal energy. For this production, heat, steam and gases accumulated under the ground are used. Since the heat of the earth is considered as the source, a renewable and clean energy that does not pollute the environment is obtained.

Geothermal energy provides a very high continuity compared to solar and wind energy. In this context, it is preferred for heating and electricity generation in both residences and greenhouses. Provided that there is a high temperature level, electricity generation can be provided. In addition, this resource has an important place in the treatment and tourism sector.

5- Hydroelectric Energy

Hydroelectric energy requires the flow power of water. In other words, for this type of energy, it is necessary to work in areas where rivers are located. Energy production is provided by building dams and embankments, especially at points where water flows fast.

In this type of energy, the movement of water creates a natural resource because it is clean and renewable. Power plants for energy production can be built with methods such as storage or river type. In storage power plants, water is stored in the dam, while in river-type power plants, electricity is generated thanks to the kinetic energy of flowing water.

Since hydroelectric energy is linked to landforms and rivers, it can be used in suitable geographical conditions. Although it provides a renewable and unlimited energy source, there is also a risk of environmental pollution, although high energy production is achieved as a result of a large-scale power plant installation.

6- Wave Energy

This method, called wave energy in a basic way, has names such as marine hydrokinetic energy or ocean energy. In this system, which is also called tidal energy, renewable and clean energy is obtained by utilizing sea and ocean waves.

Considering that the seas have a very large proportion in the world, wave energy is a very important resource. There is, of course, a great potential for energy production thanks to wave motion for geographical conditions in Turkey and all over the world. However, the production of this energy is both laborious and requires high costs for the power plants to be established. For this reason, it does not yet have a widespread use worldwide.

Why are inexhaustible energy sources important?

While inexhaustible energy sources are considered the most important alternative to fossil fuels, they have a place for the future, especially because they are unlimited. However, although they can be used in appropriate geographical conditions thanks to appropriate technological developments, they also present some disadvantages. Therefore, the advantages and disadvantages for the use of inexhaustible energy sources should be examined separately.

The advantages for inexhaustible energy sources:

  • They do not cause environmental pollution in energy production.
  • They can be applied with lower costs as technology develops.
  • They comply with net-zero targets as they reduce emissions.
  • These resources are unlimited and renewable.
  • They produce fewer emissions than fossil fuels.
  • They can significantly reduce fossil fuel dependency.

The disadvantages for inexhaustible energy sources:

  • Some new technologies are both expensive and difficult to install.
  • There is still insufficient technological development in terms of storage capacity worldwide.
  • Geographical conditions should be suitable for the utilization of energy resources.
  • Seasonal and weather conditions can lead to energy resource interruptions.

Today, thanks to the ever-evolving green and clean technologies, it is possible to use inexhaustible energy resources at lower costs. However, new developments are constantly being made to use natural resources more efficiently and effectively. As the use of inexhaustible resources becomes more widespread, the goals for a sustainable future will become a reality.