
What is Environmental Sustainability and what can be done?


Nowadays, environmental problems are increasing, and the concept of sustainability is becoming an important issue worldwide. Environmental sustainability is defined as the ability to meet the needs of future generations without exceeding the limits of natural resources and ecosystems. In this article, we will focus on the concept of environmental sustainability and discuss what can be done in this field.

How can environmental sustainability be defined?

Environmental sustainability aims to protect ecosystems while promoting the efficient use of natural resources. This approach combines economic, social, and environmental factors in a balanced way. Environmental sustainability aims to ensure that future generations can benefit from resources while meeting the needs of current generations.

Environmental sustainability involves taking measures to tackle environmental problems and protect natural resources. Environmental problems such as climate change, biodiversity loss, depletion of water resources and air and water pollution pose major threats to environmental sustainability. To tackle these problems, a range of measures such as efficient use of resources, waste management, conservation of natural resources and sustainable transportation are required.

What Can Be Done?

  • Energy Efficiency: Energy efficiency is an important component of environmental sustainability. The use of energy-saving technologies minimizes environmental impacts while reducing energy consumption. Energy efficient lighting systems, insulation materials and energy efficient appliances should be used to save energy in homes and workplaces.
  • Sustainable Transportation: The transportation sector has a significant environmental impact due to the use of fossil fuels. Sustainable transportation methods should be supported by steps such as developing public transportation systems, increasing bicycle paths, and walking areas. The spread of electric vehicles also stands out as an environmentally friendly transportation option.
  • Waste Management: Waste management is an important step towards environmental sustainability. Recycling and waste reduction efforts help conserve natural resources and reduce environmental pollution. It is necessary to establish waste separation systems, encourage recycling and organize awareness campaigns to prevent waste generation.
  • Water Utilization: Sustainable management of water resources is of great importance for environmental sustainability. Measures such as the use of water-saving technologies, increasing the efficiency of agricultural irrigation and preventing pollution of water resources should be taken.
  • Protection of Natural Resources: Problems such as biodiversity loss and deforestation pose major threats to environmental sustainability. Steps should be taken to protect forests, promote sustainable forestry practices, preserve ecosystems, and protect biodiversity.

Why is Environmental Sustainability Important?

Environmental sustainability is vital for the future of our planet. Here are some reasons why environmental sustainability is important:

  • Conservation of Natural Resources: Sustainability considers the fact that natural resources are limited. Environmental sustainability promotes the efficient use of natural resources and ensures that future generations can benefit from these resources.
  • Protection of Ecosystems: Sustainability aims to protect ecosystems. Ecosystems provide many ecosystem services such as water supply, air quality, climate regulation and biodiversity. The sustainability of these services is important for people to live in a healthy environment.
  • Combating Climate Change: Climate change has become a major threat worldwide. Sustainability contributes to combating climate change by reducing the use of fossil fuels, developing renewable energy sources and increasing energy efficiency.
  • Community Health and Wellbeing: Environmental sustainability contributes to community health and well-being by providing clean air, clean water, and a healthy environment. Reducing diseases caused by pollution enables people to live in a healthier and more livable environment.
  • The Right of Future Generations: Environmental sustainability protects the right of future generations to enjoy natural resources and a healthy environment. The measures we take today increase the chances of future generations living in a livable world.

What Can Companies and Individuals Do for Environmental Sustainability?

Both companies and individuals can take important steps towards environmental sustainability. Here are some actions that companies and individuals can take for environmental sustainability:

For companies:

  1. Set Sustainable Business Strategy: Companies should set goals related to environmental sustainability and integrate these goals into their business strategy. Develop plans and policies to reduce environmental impacts.
  2. Energy Efficiency and Use of Renewable Energy: Companies should take steps to increase energy efficiency and use renewable energy sources. Applications such as energy-efficient lighting systems, energy management systems and solar energy should be preferred in buildings.
  3. Waste Management: Companies should establish waste sorting systems to reduce the amount of waste and manage waste properly. It is important to initiate recycling programs and collaborate to reuse or recycle waste.
  4. Supply Chain Management: Companies should adopt the principle of sustainability in the supply chain. Suppliers should be assessed for compliance with environmental standards and sustainable material and service providers should be preferred.
  5. Employee Awareness and Engagement: Companies should train employees on environmental issues and raise awareness. Employees should be encouraged to participate in sustainability efforts and be encouraged to adopt environmentally friendly practices.

For Individuals:

  1. Energy and Water Conservation: Individuals can contribute to environmental sustainability by reducing energy and water consumption. Simple steps such as using energy-efficient lighting, turning off electronic devices, and conserving water can be taken.
  2. Recycling and Waste Reduction: Individuals can participate in recycling programs at home and sort waste properly. Reuse and recycling habits can be adopted to reduce the amount of waste.
  3. Sustainable Transportation: Individuals can carpool, prefer public transportation or use environmentally friendly transportation methods such as cycling and walking. For long-distance journeys, they can prefer more sustainable options such as trains or buses instead of airplanes.
  4. Conscious Consumption: Individuals can reduce environmental impacts by choosing sustainable products. They can take steps such as buying durable and quality products, using second-hand products or supporting local producers.
  5. Awareness and Education: Individuals should learn about environmental issues and raise awareness. It is important to participate in awareness-raising activities, attend seminars or utilize resources on environmentally friendly lifestyles.

By taking these and similar steps, companies and individuals can contribute to environmental sustainability. Every small action is important and can add up to make a bigger impact.


Environmental sustainability includes important priorities such as protecting natural resources, maintaining healthy ecosystems, and combating climate change. Efforts in areas such as energy efficiency, sustainable transportation, waste management, water use, and protection of natural resources contribute to environmental sustainability. It is also important to raise public awareness and establish environmental policies. It is crucial to work for environmental sustainability so that future generations can also benefit from natural resources and a healthy environment.