Water Footprint Calculation and Reporting

Water is crucial for both human life and industrial activities. Efficient use of water and its environmental impacts should not be ignored. At Greenlife Consultancy, we help companies assess the environmental impact of their water use and create a sustainable water management strategy.

ISO 14046 is an international standard for water footprint calculation. We enable companies to calculate and report their water use in accordance with the relevant standard. These reports enable companies to clearly see the environmental impact of their water use and help them develop strategies in line with their sustainability goals.

Our studies enable companies to better analyze their water consumption and increase water efficiency by preventing waste, while ensuring that water use is monitored and resources are used effectively.  In addition, assessments are made regarding the sustainable management of water, contributing to the protection of water resources.

Analyses and reports guide companies in developing sustainable water management strategies. Strategies such as reducing water use, recycling water, adopting water-saving technologies and supporting local projects to protect water resources help companies reduce their environmental impact and ensure operational sustainability.

Water Footprint Management and Calculation Process

Water footprint refers to the amount of water required to produce a good or service across the entire supply chain. The water footprint covers all life cycle processes, including the processing of raw materials and the amount of water used in the production process, as well as the consumer use phase. The water footprint consists of three components: blue, green and gray. The blue component includes the amount of freshwater used directly, the green component includes the amount of rainfall falling on the site and the gray component includes the amount of freshwater used to reduce pollution in wastewater.

The following steps are followed when calculating the Water Footprint:

  • Data Collection: During the data collection process, the necessary data of the company is collected through the data templates we have prepared. Greenlife Consultancy team provides the necessary support in this process.
  • Calculation: In accordance with ISO 14046 Standard and The Water Footprint Assessment Manual, the water footprint of your products and activities is calculated with the collected data.
  • Reporting: After the calculations, the company’s water footprint results are evaluated and reported. In the reporting, the points where water use is intensive or environmental impacts are the highest are identified and opportunities for improvement are revealed. .
  • Verification: The calculation can optionally be subject to verification by independent third parties to be determined by the company. Throughout the process, Greenlife Consultancy is always ready to provide support to ensure impartiality.

As Greenlife Consultancy, we are proud to assist companies in minimizing the environmental impact of water use and contributing to the sustainable management of water by offering our experience and competencies in water footprint calculation and reporting processes.