Sustainable Business Model Integration

A sustainable business model is a management model that companies use to achieve economic, social, and environmental value generation. The applied business model enables companies to develop appropriate strategies to achieve the goals they have set, to implement these strategies effectively and to measure their performance by analyzing the results.

Sustainable business model

Financial success

Social investments

Operations in harmony with nature

  • It enables companies to gain competitive advantage in line with the principles of governance structure, risk management and sustainable profitability in line with the corporate culture by adapting to global trends, national and international norms, and regulations.
  • It enables companies to meet their social and environmental responsibilities and strengthen their brand values.
  • It enables companies to improve customer satisfaction, employee motivation and stakeholder relations and increase loyalty.

How to Integrate Sustainable Business Models?

Sustainable business model integration is the process by which companies review, improve, and renew their existing business models according to sustainability criteria. The following steps can be followed for sustainable business model integration:

  • Analysis of the company’s existing business model: Strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats, economic, social, and environmental impacts of the company’s current business model are identified.
  • The company’s sustainability vision, mission, and goals: Define what the company would like to do in the field of sustainability, why it would like to do it and how it would do it.
  • The company’s sustainable business model design: The new business model is designed in line with the company’s sustainability vision, mission, and goals.
  • Implementation of the company’s sustainable business model: At this stage, the implementation plan, schedule, budget, responsibilities, indicators, and monitoring mechanisms of the business model are determined.

As Greenlife Consultancy, we offer professional consultancy services to companies on sustainable business model integration.