Environmental Product Declarations (EPD)

An Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) is an ISO Type III Environmental Declaration based on the ISO 14025 standard. An EPD transparently reports the verified environmental performance of products or services from a life cycle perspective. EPDs are based on international standards and take into account the entire value chain.

EPD Project Processes:

Data Collection: The first step of an EPD project is to accurately collect the required data. Greenlife Consultancy collects all the necessary information for LCA calculations using data collection templates.

LCA Modeling and Calculation: Once the data is collected, an LCA model is developed with dedicated data sources in accordance with ISO 14040/44 standards. This model reveals the environmental impacts of the different value chains of the product under study.

EPD Report Preparation: The results of the LCA analysis form the main components of the LCA report used by Greenlife Consultancy to communicate with the verifier. In addition, a specific EPD document is prepared for the company in accordance with the rules of the EPD program operators.

Verification: The LCA report and EPD are sent to a third party independent verifier. The verifier generates a verification report verifying the conformity of the EPD with the publication.

Publication: Greenlife Consultancy prepares the necessary documents for publication and sends them to the publisher. The verified EPD is published in the system upon completion of the registration process.

Product Environmental Declaration (EPD) processes consist of meticulously followed steps to report the environmental performance of products or services in a transparent and reliable manner. As Greenlife Consultancy, we are happy to help you achieve your environmental sustainability goals by offering our expertise in your EPD projects.